It is easy to find info on the net on how to install the lld2d responder on a linux server. However, if the Microsoft provided Sample Code is used as is, your linux box is represented as a wireless AP/switch on the map. This is so because in the sample code information is encoded that defines the machine as a wireless AP/switch. You must change this to reflect the fact that your linux box is wired and not a multifunction switch/bridge. This is not hard to do, see the instructions below. For the details you have to read the protocol specification at: Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol. Not to worry, this is only for the die-hards ...
1. Get the Rally-LLTD-PortingKit.exe. Unpack and copy folder to a suitable directory on your Linux server. cd to the Sample Code directory
2. Add the line: #include <limits.h> to src/state.c just after the line #include <assert.h>
3. Edit the file src/osl-linux.c . Make all TLV get-functions relating to wireless/multifunction devices return a simple constant: TLV_GET_FAILED. The functions you must edit are those with the numbers: 5,6,8,9,A,D,14,15,19 and 1A. Do not touch any of the other functions. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL STEP.
4. cd to the native-linux directory and run make. Install the resulting executable lld2d to /usr/sbin
5. Use an icon editor to make a Windows 48x48 pixel icon of your choice. I have used tux, obviously. Copy this *.ico file to /etc on your server.
6. Edit lld2d.conf to set proper path and name for your own icon
7. Copy lld2d.conf to /etc also
8. Run /usr/sbin/lld2d eth0. If necessary replace eth0 with your own ethernet device
9. Optionally create an init script.
10. Generate a new network map in Windows 7/Vista and watch the results in awe ...
Have fun!