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My Trips script: 1983-us-01-mx-01-wvs.plt

autogenerated by on Sun Jun 23 14:51:03 2019
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.0 patchlevel 6
# Source: World Vector Shoreline, NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center. 
set multiplot
set tit "1st trip to USA 3 Mar - 19 Aug 1983"
set label "+ ams" at    4.763385 , 52.30907		# Amsterdam, The Netherlands
set label "+ jfk" at  -73.7823035, 40.6438436		# John F. Kennedy, New York, New York, USA
set key
set xrange [-130:10]
set yrange [10:80]
# These are for earth background with rivers
plot 'wvs-earth-nw.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-nw-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-nw-pol.dat' t "" w l ls 7
plot 'wvs-earth-sw.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-sw-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-sw-pol.dat' t "" w l ls 7
plot 'wvs-earth-ne.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-ne-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-ne-pol.dat' t "" w l ls 7
plot 'wvs-earth-se.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-se-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-se-pol.dat' t "" w l ls 7
# Trip data start here
plot '1983-us-01-mx-01.dat' t "" w l ls 4
unset multiplot

set multiplot
set tit "1st trip to USA DETAIL 3 Mar - 19 Aug 1983"
set label "+ jfk" at  -73.7823035, 40.6438436		# John F. Kennedy, New York, New York, USA
set key
set xrange [-126:-66]
set yrange [20:50]
# These are for earth background with rivers
plot 'wvs-earth-nw.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-nw-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-sw.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-sw-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-sw-pol.dat' t "" w l ls 7
plot 'wvs-earth-ne.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-ne-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
plot 'wvs-earth-se.dat'     t "" w l ls 2
plot 'wvs-earth-se-riv.dat' t "" w l ls 3
# Trip data start here
plot '1983-us-01-mx-01.dat' t "" w l ls 4
unset multiplot

unset label
unset key