set tit "USA and Cruise trip 8 - 30 Jul 1998)"
set label "+ ams" at 4.763385 , 52.30907 # Amsterdam, The Netherlands
set label "+ atl" at -84.444032 , 33.639975 # Atlanta, Georgia, USA
set label "+ fll" at -80.1396195, 26.0729021 # Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
set label "+ mia" at -80.275614 , 25.796549 # Miami, Florida, USA
set label "aua +" at -70.0138889, 12.5022222 right # Oranjestad, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles
set key
set xrange [-100:10]
set yrange [10:65]
plot 'europe-cil-10.dat' t "Coastlines" w l ls 2, 'europe-bdy-10-post1989.dat' t "Borders" w l ls 1, \
'namer-cil-10.dat' t "" w l ls 2, 'namer-bdy-10.dat' t "" w l ls 1, \
'samer-cil-10.dat' t "" w l ls 2, 'samer-bdy-10.dat' t "" w l ls 1, \
'1998-us-10-an-01-lc-01-bb-01-ve-01.dat' t "USA and Caribbean" w l ls 4