set tit "Trip to Berlin 14 - 17 Feb 2013 with Chris, Dominique and Ariane" set label "utr +" at 5.120324 , 52.08137 right # Utrecht, The Netherlands set key set xrange [-25:45] set yrange [35:70] plot 'europe-cil-3-10.dat' t "Coastlines" w l ls 2, 'europe-bdy-3-10.dat' t "Borders" w l ls 1, \ '2013-de-20.dat' t "Berlin, Germany" w l ls 4 |
set tit "Trip to Berlin 14 - 17 Feb 2013 with Chris, Dominique and Ariane DETAIL" set xrange [5:15] set yrange [50:55] replot |
set tit "Trip to Berlin 14 - 17 Feb 2013 with Chris, Dominique and Ariane DETAIL Berlin" set xrange [12:14] set yrange [52:53] replot |
unset label |