set tit "Trip to Istanbul 17 - 24 Oct 2014 with Chris, Janne, Lisa and Eduard"
set label "+ ein" at 5.3920092, 51.4586216 # Eindhoven, The Netherlands
set label "saw +" at 29.3092003, 40.8986015 right # Sabiha Gökçen International Airport, Istanbul, Turkey
set key
set xrange [-25:45]
set yrange [35:70]
plot 'europe-cil-3-10.dat' t "Coastlines" w l ls 2, 'europe-bdy-3-10.dat' t "Borders" w l ls 1, \
'asia-cil-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 2, 'asia-bdy-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 1, \
'africa-cil-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 2, 'africa-bdy-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 1, \
'2014-tr-02.dat' t "Istanbul, Turkey" w l ls 5