set tit "Trip to Cambridge Comenius September 2 - 5 2015"
set label "+ ams" at 4.763385 , 52.30907 # Amsterdam, The Netherlands
set label "stn +" at 0.235 , 51.8849983 right # London Stansted, Great Britain
set label "utr +" at 5.120324 , 52.08137 right # Utrecht, The Netherlands
set key
set xrange [-25:45]
set yrange [35:70]
plot 'wvs-europe.dat' t "Coastlines" w l ls 2, 'wvs-europe-pol.dat' t "Borders" w l ls 1, 'wvs-europe-riv.dat' t "Rivers" w l ls 3, \
'2015-gb-32.dat' t "Cambridge 2015" w l ls 4