set tit "Trip to SF with Chris, Lisa, Edward and Janne (July 27 - August 20, 2016)"
set label "+ ams" at 4.763385 , 52.30907 # Amsterdam, The Netherlands
set label "+ fra" at 8.562259, 50.037939 # Frankfurt am Main, Germany
set label "sfo +" at -122.3863669, 37.6189257 right # San Francisco, California, USA
set key
set xrange [-130:10]
set yrange [10:80]
plot 'europe-cil-3-10.dat' t "Coastlines" w l ls 2, 'europe-bdy-3-10.dat' t "Borders" w l ls 1, \
'namer-cil-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 2, 'namer-bdy-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 1, \
'samer-cil-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 2, 'samer-bdy-3-10.dat' t "" w l ls 1, \
'2016-de-22-us-19.dat' t "SF, USA 2016" w l ls 4