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My Trips script: all.plt

autogenerated by on Sat Jun 22 15:32:57 2024
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 8
# Maps of all trips
set title "Map of all trips"
# Home labels
set label 97 "alm +" at    5.2225233, 52.332192 right	# Almere, The Netherlands
set label 98 "+ dra" at    6.093225 , 53.11793			# Drachten, The Netherlands
set label 99 "utr +" at    5.120324 , 52.08137 right	# Utrecht, The Netherlands
# Airport labels, using the official IATA 3-letter codes
set label  1 "adl +" at  138.5374124,-34.9385852 right	# Adelaide, Australia
set label  2 "+ alo" at  -92.3967411, 42.5504259		# Waterloo, Iowa, USA
set label  3 "+ agp" at   -4.4929809, 36.6748624		# Malaga, Spain
set label  4 "+ ams" at    4.763385 , 52.30907			# Amsterdam, The Netherlands
set label  5 "+ arn" at   17.9533767, 59.6580297		# Stockholm, Sweden
set label  6 "+ ath" at   23.9445 ,   37.9364014		# Athens, Greece
set label  7 "+ atl" at  -84.444032 , 33.639975			# Atlanta, Georgia, USA
set label  8 "aua +" at  -70.0138889, 12.5022222 right	# Oranjestad, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles
set label  9 "+ bcn" at    2.0797638, 41.300621			# Barcelona, Spain
set label 10 "bfs +" at   -6.215833 , 54.6575 right		# Belfast, Northern Ireland, GBR
set label 11 "+ bgr" at  -68.8167264, 44.8080522		# Bangor, Maine, USA
set label 12 "bgy +" at    9.7004671, 45.6681562 right	# Bergamo, Italy
set label 13 "+ bkk" at  100.7506969, 13.692298			# Bangkok, Thailand 
set label 14 "blq +" at   11.2903236, 44.5344725 right	# Bologna, Italy
set label 15 "+ bon" at  -68.271973 , 12.130677			# Kralendijk, Bonaire,Netherlands Antilles 
set label 16 "cai +" at   31.4023805, 30.1270338 right	# Cairo, Egypt 
set label 17 "cag +" at    9.0581306, 39.2526733 right	# Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
set label 18 "cdg +" at    2.5711   , 49.004 right		# Charles de Gaulle, Paris, France
set label 19 "cia +" at   12.5908322, 41.8003881 right	# Ciampino, Rome, Italy
set label 20 "crl +" at    4.4706369, 50.4693762 right	# Charleroi, Brussels, Belgium
set label 21 "+ cta" at   15.0663996, 37.4668007		# Catania, Italy
set label 22 "cur +" at  -68.960945 , 12.188463 right	# Willemstad, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles 
set label 23 "+ dsm" at  -93.6486006, 41.5325514		# Des Moines, Iowa, USA
set label 24 "+ dfw" at  -97.0358875, 32.904561			# Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, USA
set label 25 "+ dme" at  37.899494  , 55.414566			# Domodedovo, Moscow, Russia
set label 26 "+ dtw" at  -83.3480083, 42.2256992		# Detroit, Michigan, USA
set label 27 "dub +" at   -6.2504752, 53.4212654 right	# Dublin, Ireland
set label 28 "+ ein" at    5.3920092, 51.4586216		# Eindhoven, The Netherlands
set label 29 "fco +" at   12.2551035, 41.80258 right	# Leonardo da Vinci International (Fiumicino), Rome, Italy
set label 30 "+ fll" at  -80.1396195, 26.0729021		# International, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
set label 31 "+ fxe" at  -80.1714996, 26.2007876		# Executive, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
set label 32 "+ gcn" at -112.139511 , 35.954786			# Grand Canyon National Park Airport, Arizona, USA 
set label 33 "+ gla" at   -4.4343744, 55.8705508		# Glasgow, GBR
set label 34 "+ gro" at    2.7646034, 41.8991793		# Girona, Spain
set label 35 "+ iad" at  -77.447712 , 38.953381			# Dulles, Washington, DC, USA
set label 36 "+ ind" at  -86.297817 , 39.7149966		# Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
set label 37 "ist +" at   28.8152778, 40.9766667 right	# Istanbul, Turkey
set label 38 "+ jfk" at  -73.7823035, 40.6438436		# John F. Kennedy, New York, New York, USA
set label 39 "lax +" at -118.4088701, 33.9434989 right	# Los Angeles, California, USA
set label 40 "+ led" at   30.3083   , 59.806084			# St Petersburg, Russia 
set label 41 "+ lga" at  -73.8714825, 40.7738336		# La Guardia, New York, New York, USA
set label 42 "+ lgw" at   -0.1848285, 51.1518301		# Gatwick, London, GBR
set label 43 "+ lhr" at   -0.453566 , 51.469604			# Heathrow, London, GBR
set label 44 "+ lis" at   -9.134167 , 38.774167		    # Lisbon, Portugal
set label 45 "+ mad" at   -3.5676925, 40.4684209		# Madrid, Spain
set label 46 "+ mia" at  -80.275614 , 25.796549			# Miami, Florida, USA
set label 47 "+ msp" at  -93.203111 , 44.881234			# Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
set label 48 "+ mst" at    5.768982 , 50.9153276		# Maastricht, The Netherlands
set label 49 "+ muc" at   11.7811621, 48.3534693		# Munchen, Germany
set label 50 "+ nap" at  14.29083333, 40.886111			# Napoli, Italy
set label 51 "+ nas" at  -77.463266 , 25.042865			# Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas
set label 52 "+ nrn" at    6.1413956, 51.6031021		# Weeze, Germany
set label 53 "+ ord" at  -87.9051614, 41.9766397		# Chicago, Illinois, USA
set label 54 "+ per" at  115.9734909,-31.9416583		# Perth, Australia
set label 55 "prg +" at   14.26 ,     50.100833 right	# Prague, Czech Republic 
set label 56 "+ pmi" at    2.7318761, 39.5494565		# Palma de Mallorca, Spain
set label 57 "+ psa" at   10.404439,  43.696642			# Pisa, Italy
set label 58 "+ reu" at    1.1563092, 41.1444256		# Reus, Spain
set label 59 "rtm +" at    4.4409351, 51.9577434 right	# Rotterdam, the Netherlands
set label 60 "saw +" at   29.3092003, 40.8986015 right	# Sabiha Gökçen International Airport, Istanbul, Turkey
set label 61 "+ sin" at  103.9891   ,  1.3568			# Singapore, Singapore 
set label 62 "sfo +" at -122.3863669, 37.6189257 right	# San Francisco, California, USA
set label 63 "+ sju" at  -66.005055 , 18.436459			# San Juan, Puerto Rico
set label 64 "+ stl" at  -90.365773 , 38.742185			# Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
set label 65 "stn +" at    0.235 ,    51.8849983 right	# London Stansted, Great Britain 
set label 66 "+ skg" at   22.972221 , 40.520832			# Thessaloniki, Greece
set label 67 "+ syd" at  151.1663208,-33.9360542		# Sydney, Australia
set label 68 "+ tfs" at  -16.5770463, 28.0464178		# Tenerife, Spain
set label 69 "tps +" at   12.4996024, 37.9020711 right	# Trapani, Sicily, Italy
set label 70 "+ vrn" at   10.888500 , 45.39569			# Verona, Italy
set label 71 "+ vie" at   16.5607329, 48.1199611		# Vienna, Austria
set label 72 "+ rix" at   23.9710999, 56.9235992		# Riga, Latvia
set label 73 "+ tll" at   24.8327999, 59.4132996		# Tallinn, Estonia
set label 74 "+ vno" at   25.2858009, 54.6341019		# Vilnius, Lithuania
set label 75 "+ bri" at   16.7605991, 41.1389008		# Bari, Italy
set label 76 "+ suf" at   16.2423,    38.9053993		# Lamezia Terme Airport, Italy
set label 77 "+ tlv" at   34.882778 , 32.009444  		# Tel Aviv, Israel
set label 78 "+ her" at   25.180278 , 35.339722		    # Heraklion, Greece
set label 79 "ham +" at   10.01534  , 53.57532 right    # Hamburg, Germany
set label 80 "mun +" at    7.62571  , 51.96236 right    # Munster, Germany
set label 81 "ess +" at    7.01228  , 51.45657 right    # Essen, Germany
set label 82 "hel +" at   24.93545  , 60.16952 right	# Helsinki, Finland

set key

set xrange [-180:180]
set yrange [-90:90]
# plot world map and trips
# Do not use the following colors for trips:
# color index 0 dashed grey, reserved for grid
# color index 1		   red, reserved for political borders
# color index 2	      green, reverved for coastlines
# color index 3	       blue, reserved for rivers
plot 'world-cil-1.dat' t "" w l ls 2,\
 '1963-de-01.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '1965-de-02.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '1967-at-01-yu-01.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '1971-it-01.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '1972-es-01.dat' t "" w l ls 8 ,\
 '1973-de-03-be-01.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '1974-ch-01.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '1975-gb-01.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '1976-be-02.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '1976-gb-02.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '1977-gb-03.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '1978-gb-04.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '1978-gb-05.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '1979-de-04-dd-01.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '1979-gb-06.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '1980-gb-07.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '1981-de-05.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '1981-gb-08.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '1981-gb-09.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '1982-gb-10-ie-01.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '1983-us-01-mx-01.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '1983-us-02.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '1984-us-03-bs-01.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '1985-gb-11-ie-02.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '1985-fr-01.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '1986-es-02.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '1986-es-03.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '1987-gb-12.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '1987-us-04-bs-02.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '1988-gb-13.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '1988-fr-02.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '1988-gb-14.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '1989-gb-15.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '1989-de-06.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '1990-gb-16.dat' t "" w l ls 14 ,\
 '1991-gb-17-us-05-bs-03.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '1991-us-06.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '1992-gb-18.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '1992-dk-01.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '1992-de-07.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '1992-de-08-lu-01.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '1993-gb-19.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '1993-es-04-us-07-bs-04-tc-01.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '1993-us-08.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '1994-gb-20.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '1994-de-09-pl-01.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '1994-gb-21-us-09.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '1995-gb-22.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '1995-de-10.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '1996-gb-23-au-01-sg-01-th-01.dat' t "" w l ls 5 ,\
 '1997-at-02.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '1997-gb-24.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '1997-be-03.dat' t"" w l ls 8,\
 '1997-fr-03.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '1998-us-10-an-01-lc-01-bb-01-ve-01.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '1998-us-11.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '1998-se-01.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '1998-gb-25.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '1999-gb-26.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '1999-fr-04-be-04.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '1999-ie-03.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '1999-us-12.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '1999-fr-05.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '1999-us-13-bs-05.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2000-us-14.dat' t "" w l ls 8 ,\
 '2001-de-11-cz-01.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2001-an-02.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '2001-gb-27.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '2001-us-15.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '2002-be-05.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '2002-fr-06.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '2002-an-03.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '2003-ie-04.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '2003-it-02.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '2003-at-03.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '2004-be-06.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2004-de-12.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '2004-fr-07.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2004-de-13-be-07.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '2005-es-05.dat' t "" w l ls 11 ,\
 '2005-eg-01.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '2005-fr-08.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '2005-it-03.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '2006-gb-28.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '2006-es-06.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '2006-gb-29.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '2006-fr-09-it-04.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '2006-be-08.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2006-de-14.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '2007-tr-01.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2007-gb-30.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '2007-es-07.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '2007-fr-10-it-05.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '2007-de-15.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '2007-us-16.dat' t "" w l ls 14 ,\
 '2008-gb-31-de-16.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '2008-fr-11-it-06.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '2008-de-17.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '2008-es-08.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '2008-de-18.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2009-de-19-ru-01.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '2009-it-07.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2009-be-09.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '2010-it-08.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '2010-fr-12-it-09.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '2010-fr-13.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '2010-it-10.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '2011-it-11.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '2011-it-12-fr-14-be-09.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '2011-us-17.dat' t "" w l ls 5 ,\
 '2012-es-09.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '2012-it-13.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2012-it-14.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '2013-de-20.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2013-it-15.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '2013-fr-15.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '2013-it-16-fr-16.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '2013-it-17.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '2013-us-18.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '2014-be-10.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '2014-it-18.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '2014-it-19.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '2014-tr-02.dat' t "" w l ls 6,\
 '2014-be-11.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2015-it-20.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '2015-de-21.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2015-cz-02.dat' t "" w l ls 10,\
 '2015-it-21.dat' t "" w l ls 11,\
 '2015-gb-32.dat' t "" w l ls 12,\
 '2015-gr-01.dat' t "" w l ls 13,\
 '2016-gb-33.dat' t "" w l ls 14,\
 '2016-it-22.dat' t "" w l ls 15,\
 '2016-de-22-us-19.dat' t "" w l ls 4,\
 '2016-gr-02.dat' t "" w l ls 5,\
 '2016-be-12.dat' t "" w l ls 6, \
 '2017-at-04.dat' t "" w l ls 7,\
 '2017-fr-17-it-24.dat' t "" w l ls 8,\
 '2017-it-23.dat' t "" w l ls 9,\
 '2017-fr-17-it-24.dat' t "" w l ls 10, \
 '2017-est-01-lv-01-lt-01.dat' t "" w l ls 11, \
 '2017-it-25.dat' t "" w l ls 12, \
 '2018-it-26.dat' t "" w l ls 13, \
 '2018-us-20.dat' t "" w l ls 14, \
 '2018-de-23-it-27-fr-18.dat' t "" w l ls 15, \
 '2018-it-28.dat' t "" w l ls 4, \
 '2018-be-13.dat' t "" w l ls 5, \
 '2019-es-10.dat' t "" w l ls 6, \
 '2019-it-29.dat' t "" w l ls 7, \
 '2019-de-24-it-30.dat' t "" w l ls 8, \
 '2019-is-01.dat' t "" w l ls 9, \
 '2020-pt-01.dat' t "" w l ls 10, \
 '2020-de-25-it-31-ch-02.dat' t "" w l ls 11, \
 '2021-ch-03-it-32.dat' t "" w l ls 12, \
 '2021-gr-03.dat' t "" w l ls 13, \
 '2022-fr-19.dat' t "" w l ls 14, \
 '2022-ch-04-it-33.dat' t "" w l ls 15, \
 '2022-de-26.dat' t "" w l ls 4, \
 '2023-de-27.dat' t "" w l ls 5, \
 '2024-de-28.dat' t "" w l ls 6, \
 '2024-fi-01.dat' t "" w l ls 7, \
 '2024-nl-01.dat' t "" w l ls 8

set xrange [-25:45]
set yrange [35:70]
set tit "Map of all trips: Europe expanded"

set xrange [-11:29]
set yrange [36:56]
set tit "Map of all trips: Europe more expanded"

set xrange [-140:-40]
set yrange [20:70]
set tit "Map of of all trips: North America expanded"
set label 56 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 56 textcolor default

set xrange [-95:-55]
set yrange [9:29]
set tit "Map of of all trips: Caribbean expanded"

set xrange [-100:10]
set yrange [10:65]
set tit "Map of all trips: Transatlantic crossings expanded"
# In the following plots some labels are printed outside the plot area.
# This seems to be legal in gnuplot, but I do not like it.
# I have set the textcolor of these labels to the background color as a tempory inperfect hack.  
# Grrr
set label  4 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 13 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 18 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 26 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 27 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 44 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 45 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 48 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 52 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 61 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label  4 textcolor default
set label 13 textcolor default
set label 18 textcolor default
set label 26 textcolor default
set label 27 textcolor default
set label 44 textcolor default
set label 45 textcolor default
set label 48 textcolor default
set label 52 textcolor default
set label 61 textcolor default

set xrange [-145:5]
set yrange [-58:17]
set tit "Map of all trips: South America expanded"
set label 28 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 29 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 42 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 47 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 57 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 60 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 28 textcolor default
set label 29 textcolor default
set label 42 textcolor default
set label 47 textcolor default
set label 57 textcolor default
set label 60 textcolor default

set xrange [-60:100]
set yrange [-40:40]
set tit "Map of all trips: Africa expanded"
set label  7 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label  8 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 10 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 11 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 12 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 13 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 14 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 16 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 17 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 18 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 19 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 20 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 26 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 27 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 31 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 34 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 39 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 40 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 41 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 44 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 45 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 48 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 52 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 53 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 55 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 57 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 62 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label  7 textcolor default
set label  8 textcolor default
set label 10 textcolor default
set label 11 textcolor default
set label 12 textcolor default
set label 13 textcolor default
set label 14 textcolor default
set label 16 textcolor default
set label 17 textcolor default
set label 18 textcolor default
set label 19 textcolor default
set label 20 textcolor default
set label 26 textcolor default
set label 27 textcolor default
set label 31 textcolor default
set label 34 textcolor default
set label 39 textcolor default
set label 40 textcolor default
set label 44 textcolor default
set label 45 textcolor default
set label 48 textcolor default
set label 52 textcolor default
set label 53 textcolor default
set label 55 textcolor default
set label 57 textcolor default
set label 62 textcolor default

set xrange [0:180]
set yrange [-10:80]
set tit "Map of all trips: Asia expanded"
set label  3 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label  9 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 11 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 16 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 17 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 19 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 25 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 30 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 39 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 40 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 54 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label  3 textcolor default
set label  9 textcolor default
set label 11 textcolor default
set label 16 textcolor default
set label 17 textcolor default
set label 19 textcolor default
set label 25 textcolor default
set label 30 textcolor default
set label 39 textcolor default
set label 40 textcolor default
set label 41 textcolor default
set label 54 textcolor default

set xrange [80:180]
set yrange [-50:0]
set tit "Map of all trips: Australia expanded"
set label 55 textcolor rgb "#999999"
set label 55 textcolor default

unset label